In Tuesday’s session as a group we laid out all of our work and
visual research onto the table to create a mood board so other groups could see
what we were doing. From this we did a SWOT analysis. This helped us see our
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and our threats. As a group we reviewed
another groups work against the same criteria as this to help them see what
they needed to do next. I think that doing this task I learned a lot because I
could have a look at what other groups were doing which gave us some indication
of how well we were working. Also marking another group’s work made me think
about things that I can apply to my own work to help me get a clearer idea.
Receiving feedback on our work from another group really helped us because it
gave us a clear indication of where we were going right and where we were going
wrong. What we learned from this was that we had lots of visual imagery and
drawn work but not a particularly clear route in which it was going to go,
which I believe we already knew but if it was clear to other people then we
knew we had to do something about this. We also participated in learning the
stages of group work session where we could asses ourselves as a group to
figure out what level we were working on. Personally I feel that in my group I
am working 2/3 because although I feel we are all putting our ideas forward and
are getting on well, I think that our communication skills could be a lot
better with one another. I feel this may be because we aren’t confident enough
yet but hopefully this will get better the more time we spend working together.
What I have found really helpful in communicating with the group is the group
message we created at the start of the project using Facebook. This enables us
to discuss our ideas and work when we are not together at university.
This is the mood board we laid out for our SWOT Analysis
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