Sunday 26 January 2014

Sampling Week 4

During this week i really enjoyed learning new techniques like hair pinning. I thought that hair pinning gave a really interesting effect to the fabric because i could use lots of the old and more interesting threads that i have gathered. I feel that it made my samples more textured and tactile. I also learned how to use the tailor tacking foot which i feel gave a more lose, scratchy effect to my work which i feel related more with my initial drawings. I also worked back into my samples by cutting through the stitches i had made using the hair pinning and tailor tacking techniques. This again made my work more tactile and more relative to my hand drawn work.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Sampling Week 3

This week i was introduced to the sewing machines and taught how to use the basic feet and stitches. I used a satin, straight and a zig zag stitch onto patterned fabrics to get the hang of using the machines. Through working on patterned fabric i was able to create more interesting samples using simple stitches by altering the stitch widths and lengths. I enjoyed using the sewing machines more throughout the week because i started getting the hang of how they worked and what i was able to create. I am looking forward to learning new techniques with different machine feet and stitches.